SmartRG SR505N
Here is a guide to get your SmartRG connected in PPPoE mode for FTTN25 and FTTN50 speeds
- Type in in your web browser
- Click on Manage Gateway (advanced)
- Click on WAN service on the left and then click Add
- PPP Username: VIF
- Password: VIF Password
- Uncheck Enable Firewall
- Check Enable NAT and Enable SIP
- Click Next until you get a save button
- Click on the DSL link on the left
- This page make sure the Enable PTM is checked and click Save.
- Click on Wireless to begin setting up your Wifi
- Click on Basic on the left
- Enable Wireless make sure its checked
- SSID: Enter any name you would like for your wireless name to appear
- Click on Security on the left side
- Network Authentication: set to WPA2/WPA-PSK
- WPA /WAPI Passphrase: put a wifi password
- click on Apply/Save