SmartRG SR505N

Here is a guide to get your SmartRG connected in PPPoE mode for FTTN25 and FTTN50 speeds
  1. Type in in your web browser
  2. Click on Manage Gateway (advanced)
  3. Click on WAN service on the left and then click Add
    1. PPP Username: VIF
    2. Password: VIF Password
    3. Uncheck Enable Firewall
    4. Check Enable NAT and Enable SIP
    5. Click Next until you get a save button
    6. Click on the DSL link on the left
    7. This page make sure the Enable PTM is checked and click Save.
  4. Click on Wireless to begin setting up your Wifi
    1. Click on Basic on the left
    2. Enable Wireless make sure its checked
    3. SSID: Enter any name you would like for your wireless name to appear
    4. Click on Security on the left side
    5. Network Authentication: set to WPA2/WPA-PSK
    6. WPA /WAPI Passphrase: put a wifi password
    7. click on Apply/Save