Netis DL-4311

  1. Type in in your web browser
  2. Username/password is guest/guest
  3. Click on Setup
  4. Go to the bottom of the page to WAN Interface Table and click on WAN0
  5. Next make sure all these informations are correct in this page.
    1. VPI 0 / VCI 35
    2. Channel Mode: PPPoE
    3. PPPSettings: enter your VIF and VIF Password
    4. Click on Modify on the bottom of the page
  6. Next click on WLAN on the left and click Basic
    1. Enter an SSID and choose your Channel Number click Apply Changes
  7. Next click on Security on the left
    1. Encryption put WPA2 Mixed
    2. Enter a password in the Pre-shared key
    3. Click Apply Changes